Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mrs. Walker's Frog-Tastic Website

This website was fun to maneuver through. All the lively graphics along with the colors and frog themes were enjoyable to view. The website contained other links to review more related in depth information. Classroom management examples were clearly stated. Each subject had a specific section that included the classroom scheduled happenings and all that was covered, along with future planning. The school testing curriculum was listed along with the programs that are used to implement the curriculum. There was also a section for new teachers, student teachers and substitute teachers.


  1. I checked out this website and I really liked how they posted pictures of everything. I am a visual type person so this was really awesome. I love the weather behavior system. Seems since we came back from Winter break a lot of my students have had stormy days! I wrote this site down for future reference to get ideas from. Sometimes even if I can't affort to buy the items on sites like this I just make my own.

  2. I like this webiste as well. She provided weath of information that we can use in the classrom. I think it is good that the teacher posted pictures because I am a visual learner and I learn by seeing. This is a website I will visit more often.
